For the past 3 days, I’ve brewed 6 cups of coffee before work. Planning ahead, I purchased a new 16oz Contigo Extreme stainless steel mug from Target. I mean business.
The first day I woke up around 415 am to help with Lucianna. I jumped back into bed around 515 am and didn’t sleep. I wish I could have. Woke up and had a breakfast shake, made my lunch and then brewed 6 cups of the Maxwell House French Roast. I poured the first bit into the new mug and the remaining into a coffee mug. I thought I’d get one mug in before going into work. I had about 7 minutes to spare before I had to hit the road. This day I mixed some French Vanilla lactose free creamer (and 3 tablespoons of sugar into the 16oz mug and 1 tbsp into the smaller coffee mug). I was scared I guess.
The next day (Friday) I didn’t mix as much sugar but everything else was the same. This morning…6 cups again with no sugar. Yes…it’s bitter but not unbearable. I was still mixing the creamer in during these days. I was using about 4 heaping tablespoons of beans to 6 cups of water.
I will say that the last three days have been wonderful. I haven’t been tired or lethargic. I actually feel like myself. I haven’t felt like that in several years! My mind seemed to work much better, I was sharper and able to complete numerous tasks without getting confused or losing my train of thought (which usually happens a lot. Just ask Lisa!). Anyway – I’m so pleased with the results, I believe that I will start each day like this.
If I had to compare it to another caffeine drink….I would say that it gave the me the feeling after drinking Rock Star – Sugar Free, Full Throttle, and Monster (not all 3 together…I mean just one of these drinks gave me this type of “energy.” I am trying coffee because it’s probably better for me. No aspartame, to artificial stuff, etc. I also read that the antioxidants in coffee help slow or stop the onset of alzheimer’s…which runs in my family. Here’s a link to that story…and pretty much the “mind opener” for me.
Came home today and ran 3 miles at pace speed. Ended up running about 7:47 min/mile pace. I finished in 23:21 and felt pretty good. I’ll post my graph soon that includes my heart rate and elevations.
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