This past week was not so good. I think that my last week Bloomsday course run was a little discouraging. The downhills were stressful on my legs and I sure felt it after last Sunday’s run.
Monday’s light 3 miles was okay but I was hurtin’ a little. Tuesday was 4 x 800m which was okay. It was windy and made it tough. I did that workout at the local HS track. My watch was a little off but I kept running until I finished the full 800m which ended up being no more than 20 yards. I averaged 6:30 pace – my 10k pace. Whew! Wednesday was another easy 3 miles.
I took off Thursday instead of Friday. My body needed it! It was also raining on Thursday. Friday was a 45 min tempo which as pretty good considering I wanted to quit with about 4 minutes left. I hung in there and finished despite the pain and burning in my legs. Saturday was a 4 mile 6:52 pace run. Unfortunately, I could only run about 3.30 miles before crashing into a wall. I was done. I was unable to muster any energy. I had to stop to walk a couple of times and then I slowly jogged back home with my head hanging low. What a horrible run!! I even warmed up about 1.5 miles at a very slow pace.
Today’s run was 1:45 long and was scheduled to pick up the pace with about 26 minutes left. However, I opted not to do that. I just ran a steady pace and completed the time.
My right leg…about 3 inches below my knee…inside leg is sore. I’m hoping that it’s just a passing pain. Yesterday I iced it and today’s run made me very aware of it. I’ll be paying special attention to it over the next few days.
I could stand to lose about 10 or more pounds before Bloomsday and especially the half marathon on June 19. My diet hasn’t been the greatest either. Something I’ll have to be much more disciplined about in the coming weeks.
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